First of all, thank you. Thank you for contributing to the betterment of society through your non-profit organization. I applaud you. I’ve been involved in a not-for-profit for more than 10 years and I understand the highs and the lows. You run a business like anyone else… well, sort of like anyone else. You typically have to operate on a shoestring budget with minimal staff. With all that pressure, there is rarely time to ensure that your technology is functioning as it should – let alone ensuring it is secure from intrusion and other threats.
As a not-for-profit organization, you have a lot more constraints than a typical business. Funding is usually at the top of that list. Finding the dollars to allocate to your information technology hardware/software needs is challenging enough without adding the cost of an employee to manage and oversee all of that tech.
Technical staff are very expensive, especially the good ones. That cost is exacerbated by the cost of benefits, taxes, insurance, and all the rest. That’s where Blackbelt IT Solutions can help.
We specialize in providing IT services to not-for-profit organizations nationwide. With our managed services, you get a team of professionals with multi-sector experience that spans over the past 30 years. We can proactively monitor your technology infrastructure and systems to ensure everything is running efficiently and securely – and we can do it for a fraction of the cost of your own in-house personnel.
We can accomplish this in several ways. First and foremost we will have a frank discussion about your needs. We can eliminate the extra ‘fluff’ and just focus on what it’s going to take to support you. After we have tailored a solution to your needs, we get you on the path to being proactive, rather than reactive. This helps you discover problems before they become huge headaches and allows you to minimize your costs. We use a variety of industry tools to accomplish this.
If we determine you need our support team as well, then you share the cost of the service with other organizations just like yours. That keeps more money available to make your non-profit thrive!
Get in touch with us today and we can start a conversation about how Blackbelt IT Solutions can meet your needs, at a price you can afford.